Thread: moving screens
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Old Mon Aug 26, 2002, 01:40pm
stripes stripes is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. George, UT
Posts: 777
I see a large protion of our jobs is to be communicators. We will communicate more effectively if we use words that are understood. Any ref worth his salt will know the differences in what we coomonly see and are begged for and what actually constitutes a foul. Too often, at the HS level, I see refs who just dismiss the term as non-existant and lose the chance to inform the coaches like Self and Zebraman have stated. My problem is not that we can't explain the terms or use it as a teashing moment, but that we dismiss the conversation right away because we (in our infinite wisdom) know that there is no such thing. We even go so far as to take off on newbies when they are looking for information (not in this particular thread, but in others) about the fact that "reach in" doesn't exist. I'm sure that I'm in the minority on this one, but I hoestly do not believe that the terms are bad, as long as we understand how they are used and that the fouls are called correctly.
Get it right!

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