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Old Mon Aug 26, 2002, 09:28am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Looking professional

Around here, we don't get guys/gals who show up completely out of uniform, but still, we have a bunch who put little effort into looking sharp. Some of the things that annoy me are sweat-stained hats, unofficial hats, unshined shoes (I don't mean "just didn't get it done this time" unshined, but "haven't been shined since they left the factory" unshined), non-regulation shoes (i.e. with white trim). Even had one girth-challenged female umpire wear skin-tight, tapered leg pants - sure, they were the right color, but they looked ridiculous. (Don't misunderstand - I have nothing against girth-challenged umpires - that category would include me - but let's at least TRY to look professional and not like some parent out of the stands.)

It takes just 5% more effort to look professional. Not putting out that effort tells me the umpire is not serious about his/her job.
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