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Old Mon Aug 26, 2002, 06:30am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Lightbulb NBA makes it longer than they need to.


I think what the two leagues do has more to do with the length of the seasons as opposed to just the best of 5 or best of seven. But for the WNBA, the best of 3 works a lot better for that league and the time of year they are doing it in. Football starts basically now and I do not think the interest would be there if they extended it much further. I personally think that is why they go with such a short playoff. The NBA on the other had has been doing it like that for years and is not going to change. But with all the breaks between games, that is what takes so long. For example the NBA might play a Game 1 on a Sunday and play Game 2 on a Wednesday to get the series to more likely to end on a weekend. The NBA should maybe only have one day between games and the a playoff series would go a hell of alot faster than it does now.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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