Originally posted by mikesears
I must disagree with your disagreement 
Isn't illegal participation where twelve players are in the formation at the snap a foul simultaneous with the snap according to the case book? If it is a foul simultaneous with the snap, then it is enforced from the previous spot if accepted.
Sorry Mike x 2, allow me to correct myself. I was looking strictly at the "Official's Study Guide to NFHS Football Rules" which is obviously in error.
9-6-1 is enforced under the All But One.
9-6-4a,b,c & d are enforced from the previous spot since they occur simultaneous with the snap.
The "Guide" had all those enforcements completely backward. I just took a quick look when I saw the play and didn't dig deeper. That'll teach me!
It makes sense to penalize this when twelve players are in the formation because how do we determine who wasn't supposed to be on the field and who illegally participated?
For the defense it wouldn't matter, since the spot of the foul wouldn't matter under the ABO.
Quite honestly, I think the enforcement is written wrong. If I'm on offense, gain 30 yards on a run against you, even though you have 12 men on the field, why shouldn't I get the foul tacked onto the end of the run?
BktBallRef regrets this error, as he always makes every effort to post only accurate interpretations. He regrets any inconvenience this may have caused.