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Old Sun Aug 25, 2002, 03:06pm
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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Re: Thank You All !!!!!!!!

Originally posted by accurate
I wanted to call ball here earlier but my city just went fastpitch and the slowpitch is a joke, well, meaning I've always been accustomed to stepping on the field looking my very best as well as being my best. When the umpire shows up in jean shorts and looks like everyone else????? You tell me.. am I being too whatever or do any agree?? An umpire I think should set themselves apart from the rest.

Thanks again Ronnie
Right you are Ronnie. We should always present the best image possible when we are working an assignment. A lot of people don't realize that everytime they walk onto a field, they are representing the entire profession for their area. We should always strive to look our absolute best, making sure that the uniform we wear is neat and to specification. Another thing that a lot of these "relaxed" types of umpires don't realize, and that is it is a fact that sports officials who look the part, take pride in their appearance and how they carry and conduct themselves, are much less likely to have a call questioned than one of the "good ol boys" who are just out there for a quick buck.

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