Originally posted by walter:
The answer depends upon what rules you're playing under. NCAA the jumper A1 has controlled the ball illegally. Therefore, B gets the ball for a throw-in (first legally established control) but as soon as the throw-in ends, the arrow is pointed toward Team A (Rule 6-2, BI 6-2-5). However, under NFHS, casebook play 6.1.3C(D), team B gets the throw-in because of the violation AND gets the arrow because control was established when jumper A1 caught the ball.
Jump Ball To Start The Game
High School NFHS
Following the jump between A1 and B1 to start the first quarter,the jump ball (d) is caught by A1.
Ruling: Team B will have a throw-in because of the violation and also the arrow for the first alternating-possession throw-in as A1 had control when he/she caught the ball.
Allways trying to get better!