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Old Sat Aug 24, 2002, 08:35pm
accurate accurate is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 4
Thank You All !!!!!!!!

I call in South Ga where there is not a whole lot of fast pitch. There are a handful of teams who have been playing more than two years and the others are new. It's alot different than i'm used to. I haven't called in about 9 years so this association looks at me as sorta new. Doesn't matter right now but I had a chance to prove myself this past weekend at a tourney. The uic told me he had never seen anyone like me that wouldn't slow down. I told him that I have always tried my best to be in the best position possible.
I wanted to call ball here earlier but my city just went fastpitch and the slowpitch is a joke, well, meaning I've always been accustomed to stepping on the field looking my very best as well as being my best. When the umpire shows up in jean shorts and looks like everyone else????? You tell me.. am I being too whatever or do any agree?? An umpire I think should set themselves apart from the rest.

I think after this year I'll reach out and try to call more fast and slow pitch. I also want to get into baseball.

I will be posting some questions soon and I thank all of you for the welcome.. I think this is just one of the neatest things about the net,, being able to share this sorta stuff when otherwise, you wouldn't.

Thanks again Ronnie
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