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Old Sun Sep 14, 2008, 04:57am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Much Thanks ...

Originally Posted by JRutledge
I have always hated the 3 point line to 3 point line mechanic. For one it limits you to one side of the court and it limits your angles. I think you should roam all over the place, where you need to go and what you need to see. And it does not matter if you set guidelines; those guidelines are not going to fit for all situations. Which is why the focus on guidelines is really not something everyone is going to agree on. People do not agree on the mechanics in 2 Person or 3 Person. I really do not know why you think talking about these guidelines and expect everyone is going to agree.
JRutledge: Thanks for your input. Let's face it. Whether it's due to a illness, or injury, before, or during the game, scheduling error, or irresponsibility, all officials, especially new ones, especially those that may find themselves in this situation for the first time, should be prepared to work a game, maybe a big game, maybe a high level game, maybe a close game, maybe an entire game, by himself, or herself. Be prepared, but hope that it never happens.

The reason why I'm asking for such input is that my local board's interpreter is working on such a project and I wanted to give him some help.
At least two other official's organizations (the Greater Sudbury Board of Basketball Officials (IAABO Board 106) and the Topeka Officials Association (Kansas State High School Activities Association) have such guidelines, so we're not the only board that's wants some simple guidelines, although not written in stone, to follow. My guidelines even state "There are many ways to do it, and you may want to experiment with different options to see what works best for you. The following are some one person officiating mechanics that you may want to try". And, to your point, I don't expect everyone to agree, I just want some different ideas. Even the guidelines in Sudbury, and Kansas, don't agree; Kansas has you go from free throw line to free throw line, opposite table side; Sudbury has you go three point line to three point line, table side, as well as giving the option of no front court baseline throwins. In my "hybrid" version, based on my twenty-seven years of experience, I have decided to suggest the Kansas version, it brings you a little closer to the action, at the expense, however, of getting beat downcourt after a quick steal. Also, the Kansas version has you initially set up opposite table side. Sudbury wants you tableside, getting the same look as the coaches. I prefer to ask the coaches for help on difficult table side out of bounds calls, it's a reminder to them that I am trusting them to act in a sporting manner in assisting me when needed.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 12:47pm.
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