Originally Posted by JRutledge
Yes, anyone can be ejected on the first Unsportsmanlike Fouls if the official deems the act was flagrant. And depending on the judgment of the official, the first time a coach curses at an official and the types of words that are used, and ejection is very possible.
the coach said "jesus christ" when he was arguing a call with the official. it was not intended directly at the official, it would be different if he called him an "*******" or something along the lines that is directly intended toward you. my fellow official said he used gods name in vein. it probably could of been handled differently. i would like to hear some opinions if this warranted an ejection.
Did the official answer yes?
I have always said as long as the coach's language is not abusive or personally directed he gets some latitude.
Coaches are under tremendous pressure at all levels from youth to pro. Some deal with it very well, others just simply vent and sometimes their histronics are a show for the boosters.
I would say just the words "Jesus Christ" alone would not dictate a walk to the bus.