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Old Wed Sep 10, 2008, 06:50pm
RPatrino RPatrino is offline
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I too have used the K1 for a few years now. I generally had no complaints about it until i took a hard shot in a Varsity game in the sternum. It rocked me backwards and darn near knocked me off my feet. I was out of breath and in pain for several minutes.

I happened to see on this forum that there were some original WV's on sale for $39.99, and I said, 'what the hey', and I bought one. I have never used the K1 for Varsity or above since, and I have taken a few shots with the WV and they just bounce off.

Don't get me wrong, the K1 is a fine protector, and I still use it for youth up to Freshman HS ball. I just feel more comfortable and confident with the protection the WV gives me.

As far as the K1 being light, that is true. I find the WV is not that much more heavier, and the extra protection that I perceive it gives me is an adequate trade off, IMHO.
Bob P.

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Last edited by RPatrino; Wed Sep 10, 2008 at 07:01pm.
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