Thread: Cards
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Old Tue Sep 09, 2008, 11:24am
MCBear MCBear is offline
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rev, see if this helps to simplify things:

**Yellow - warning for behavior that you believe is minor in nature but could get worse - this is EASY to do and doesn't cost a team anything unless it is on a bench player/personnel.
**Red - penalty - a bit beyond what you would consider giving a warning or a second offense by the same player/coach that you had already given a YC.
** Red and Yellow displayed apart - DQ - the individual packs up and leaves the vicinity of the team bench. In NFHS, if it is a player, they MUST go a a supervised area for the remainder of the match. If it is a coach, they must leave the gym.
** Forfeit - as listed previously (this one does not happen all that often, Thank God!).

Always follow the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid!!!! or if you are totally confused it means "Keep It Stupid, Simple!!!!)

Follow your instincts. If you need to talk to them, it probably is a yellow card offense. If you feel your blood pressure rising because someone is yelling about a call or they are getting too rambunctious - red card. You will know when you have to DQ - usually someone has dropped the "f" bomb and you heard it loud and clear because it was directed at you.
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
EBVOA Rules Interpreter Emeritus
NCS Volleyball Officials Coordinating Committee Recorder
CIF State Volleyball State Championships Referee (2005), Scorekeeper (2006-2007) & Libero Tracker (2010)
PAVO State Referee (2014) / PAVO Certified Scorekeeper (2014) / PAVO Certified Line Judge (2012)
USAV Junior National Referee (resigned 2013) / USAV National Scorekeeper (2014)

Last edited by MCBear; Wed Sep 10, 2008 at 02:56pm.
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