Originally Posted by bisonlj
Everything you are saying is correct. The announcers did say the replay official told them it was a fumble but because the recovery was a scrum, they could not say for certain that the Bears recovered.
I was watching the game and I thought that was Michaels/Madden speculation. I respect Michaels' work, but he's not always right when it comes to officiating things and don't get me started on Madden.
But unless they came back on later and said "the replay official told us this" and I missed it, I thought it was just announcer speculation.
I do not recall a replay official telling an announcing team anything during a game. Maybe it has happened, but I don't recall it.
AFAIK, the replay official and those with him are technically part of the officiating crew, are they not? And only a pool reporting circumstance can get clarification from someone on the officiating crew, is that not the case?
Not saying anything about the validity of the call, because it was confusing - seemed to me that the runner
could have been called down by contact because "contact" can be a swipe that barely touches the runner while he's down (that I've seen).
Just saying that it was my recollection that Michaels and Madden were speculating, not that the replay official told them anything. Because I don't believe replay officials speak to reporters or announcers. If they do, I've missed prior instances of it.