Originally Posted by Nevadaref
That penalty listed at the end of Rule 8 (IFK), only applies to violations of Article 4. It would be nice if the NFHS would make that clear by altering the structure of that rule in the book, but one can confirm the proper restart by checking Rule 13. The final sentence of 13-3-2, which is entitled "How Taken" under "Free Kick" (which a kick-off certainly is), states "Failure to kick the ball as specified shall result in a rekick." Please compare that with the very next article (13-3-3) that prohibits a second touch by the kicker and its prescribed penalty of an IFK.
If one Article is the intent, it should say so, as in some other rules (e.g., 12, 14). As to 13-3-2, applying an Article which includes "moving in any direction" to a kickoff seems inappropriate. This is especially true when kickoffs are in a separate Rule, like Penalty, Goal, and Corner Kicks are. Each of those have provisions that do not apply to foul-generated kicks in no specific area.
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
In short, Cecil, what is so difficult about this is the poor structure of Rule 8 leads to people such as yourself misreading the intent of the NFHS rulesmakers.
Yes, structure is poor in most rule books, and "it would be nice" to have more clarity. We do not have such or any documented
"intent of the NFHS rulesmakers" for those of us condescendingly implied as not able to read the rule book. So, we have to apply the rule as consistent with others in structure, which in general have Penalties applying to entire Sections. The other alternative is 5.3.2.g; which I believe yields the same result.