Thread: Proper restart
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Old Sun Sep 07, 2008, 10:21pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by CecilOne
The OP asked about NFHS. What is so difficult about the Penalty in Rule 8, IFK at the spot of the foul?
That penalty listed at the end of Rule 8 (IFK), only applies to violations of Article 4. It would be nice if the NFHS would make that clear by altering the structure of that rule in the book, but one can confirm the proper restart by checking Rule 13. The final sentence of 13-3-2, which is entitled "How Taken" under "Free Kick" (which a kick-off certainly is), states "Failure to kick the ball as specified shall result in a rekick." Please compare that with the very next article (13-3-3) that prohibits a second touch by the kicker and its prescribed penalty of an IFK.
In short, Cecil, what is so difficult about this is the poor structure of Rule 8 leads to people such as yourself misreading the intent of the NFHS rulesmakers.

Originally Posted by CecilOne
Where is the NFHS rule citation that says no penalty for infractions when the ball is not in play?
That is an excellent question to which the answer is more difficult. First, let me state that it isn't that there aren't penalties for infractions committed when the ball is not in play, it is just that free kicks cannot be awarded for those infractions. Players can be disciplined and receive yellow or red cards for any misconduct committed during such time, but once play is stopped, how the game is to be restarted cannot be altered by anything that happens prior to that restart.
The difficulty here stems from the imprecise use of the term "foul" by the NFHS. The NFHS uses this word in a far too vague and general sense. Compare the NFHS definition with the USSF/FIFA definition.

In order to reach to the conclusion that I have stated above, one must combine bits and pieces of numerous NFHS rules and play rulings. That is rather unfortunate.

Originally Posted by CecilOne
BTW, the words encroachment and caution do not appear in Rule 8.
I'm at a loss as to the point which you are trying to make here.
The words "encroachment" and "caution" may not appear in rule 8, but they certainly do appear in other areas of the NFHS rules book, including rule 12.
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