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Old Thu Sep 04, 2008, 11:54am
With_Two_Flakes With_Two_Flakes is offline
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In Euclidean geometry....
Can't wait till I get that sort of situation in my next game, so I can explain to a Captain or Coach that I am giving the O a 1st Down because of Euclidean geometry.....

But seriously, when I work the chains, I make sure my WH doesn't do a measure in that sort of situation by reminding him we started on (eg) the 20.

I also have a problem with HL's who allow the chain crew to be lazy and set up 6 feet back rather than set up on the sideline for accuracy, then move back for safety. If I'm assessing, that's a surefire ding on the HL.....
Sorry Death, you lose.... It was Professor Plum!
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