Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
January, 1967 - increible overnight snowstorm blizzard in Chicago - almost three feet of snow fell in about eight hours. We didn't lose electricity but the water turned bad really quick. I was home from college for holiday break. My mom had me walk up to the store and carry home as much bottled water as I could. I remember we had a six foot wooden fence around our house and the drifts were so high I could walk on the snow and step over all the fences in the neighborhood which let me take a shortcut to the store and back!
I know Rut doesn't remember this because he wasn't born yet. 
Holy Cow! That brought back some memories. My brother, a friend, and I got to drive back to school through the aftermath of that storm. We drove from Effingham to Dekalb in order to return to NIU for the start of the 2nd semester. It took us double the usual amount of time to drive the trip. The vast amount of that time was the second half of the trip.
I remember another trip in the early 80's. I was travelling from Northbrook after visiting the inlaws to our home in Altamont with my wife and daughter. We were forced to spend the night in Rantoul due to the nasty weather. We didn't hit the bad weather until around Kankakee. Basically, it turned into a 2 day trip that was normally a 5 hour trip.