Thread: opening tip
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Old Fri Jul 07, 2000, 09:58am
JAdams JAdams is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 127

Originally posted by hammerhoops:
I came across this site trying to find more information on the rules of basketball. I am a new official and I'm always trying to learn more about this awesome game! I cannot believe how much I did not know about the game, even when I played it for many years. I plan on using this forum a lot to learn more from others if you don't mind. I could ask you a hundred questions, but one will do for now.

On the opening tip, if one of the players jumping catches the ball, I know it is a violation, but who gets the next possession on a jump ball? I am guessing the team who did not catch the ball on the jump. Am I right? I want to make sure because this happened in a game recently and the other official I was working with did not know either. Thanks!

The arrow would belong to team which didn't catch the ball. I try to prevent this from happening by telling the two jumpers immediately before the toss "Straight up on the jump, don't catch it before someone else touches it." Maybe these words have prevented it from happening to me.

Good luck in your officiating career. This forum is a great place to visit, especially during the school season when there's lots of activity.

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