Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
You are correct. Here they don't let you do any adult baseball unless you've been around awhile and know what you're doing. They don't send the screwups because they know they'll be eaten alive by the douche bags that play in these leagues. If you work adult ball here, there are liable to be anywhere from a couple to 5 or 6 former minor and big league players in any given game (depending on the level), as well as former college players, and they don't put up with bad umpiring.
It all depends upon availability.
The adult league games are NOT our Bread and Butter.
The bread and butter leagues are
1. Legion ( we get all their regular season games plus tournaments)
2. CBL - Collegiate Wood bat league.
3. 19 and under -These are teams which are not in Legion but have high quality Varsity players and first year college players.
4. The youth leagues ranging from 17 and under to 12 and under. All Regular season games plus tournaments
In other words the mens leagues are 'last on the totum poll" meaning the more advanced level umpires are covering the "bread and butter leagues" mentioned above. It's been my experience that you can send Gerry Davis and his ML umpiring crew to a mens league game and it wouldn't make any bit a difference. The mens league would say that Gerry Davis et al suck just like they do your average Jo Smo.
The only reason (until this year - Thank God) that we even serviced the mens league is because no one else would. This is the first year we do not service them and as mentioned Thank God. Yes you have some decent players but any decent college player is playing in the CBL league not some beer league.
There were certain teams that we used to have over / unders on meaning how many would get thrown out today. The winner bought the brew on the way home.
and they don't put up with bad umpiring.
and they do not put up with good umpiring either.
Pete Booth