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Old Mon Sep 01, 2008, 04:19pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by rngrck
F2 is 6 ft up the 3rd base line awaiting throw from F7 for a apparent play at plate. Runner comes down the line and with elbows high, knocks down F2 as the ball arrives. PU calls malicious contact on R and obstruction on F2 with resulting ejection and awarding a scored run. Is this really OBS? Didn't R have opportunity to go around F2 within the 3 ft restriction?
Within what "3 ft restriction?"

Under FED, malicious contact supercedes obstruction, so the run shuoldn't have been awarded.

NCAA allows both penalties to be enforced (even though they don't call it "malicious contact."

Under (pure) OBR, it wouldn't be obstruction since a play was imminent, and they don't really have a collision rule.
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