Originally Posted by UMP25
Well, you might want to change your tune. Both Eddings and MLB admitted the call was incorrect:
Not really, I didn't say the call was correct, but just that in real time I can see how he made the call.
IMO he should have asked his partner if he saw anything differently, and he might have, but they didn't offer any help so he had to go with what he saw.
Still, that was a great piece of baserunning, and he "flopped" as Bob said and got the call.
Hey, happens in the NBA all the time.
In retrospect, there are many calls that could be changed if we could do them over again.
But, I am glad to hear that MLB admitted the call was wrong, that helps us umpires to know how to handle that type of call if it happens again.
Do you have a link to the story from MLB perspective I would like to read the reason for his change of heart, since this play does happen quite a bit.
Was it because the BR intentionally stuck his arm out or what?
Just curious.