Originally posted by joselirizarry:
If a team is getting bet badly
how mush of a chance do you give them?
Do you let go all the small things go?
That extra step, illegal dribble,hand check ect.
Let me know what you think.
I weigh these questions on a game-to-game basis.
I am continually asking myself, "Does it matter?"
Is there anything to be gained by calling a violation, or foul? Generally, I think there is, though in some cases with regard to poorly coached/trained teams, sometimes not.
When all the bench warmers are playing, there is bound to be a lot of violations/fouls; and if the violations/fouls are not called, then the players and parents could go away wondering why the player has been sitting the entire game since that player was so perfect.
Late in a blowout varsity game last year, I called a push on a sub; and as we were lining up for the free throw, I mentioned that he "just got in the paper" (your name gets print if you foul U.P. here, even if you don't score), and all the players along the lane just cracked up.
