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Old Thu Aug 28, 2008, 03:44pm
bobbybanaduck bobbybanaduck is offline
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Originally Posted by greymule
In OBR, the run counts if a runner is put out after overrunning a base, even if the out comes before the runner from 3B tags home. A declared out is a different matter. If the BR rounded 1B and passed the runner on 1B before the runner from 3B touched the plate, the run would not score.

I'm not sure about Fed or NCAA, but the answer is probably in the BRD.

I believe that when the run is the winning run, only the runner from 3B and the BR must touch.

The OP question came up this year in NCAA softball. Same ruling as OBR.

I admit that I'm not sure of the following:

Bases loaded, 2 out, ball 4 gets away from F2. R3 scores, R2 misses 3B and also scores. Defense appeals R2's miss of 3B. I think that, since it's a force out, that out would nullify both runs, regardless of the award on the base on balls.
it's not a force out. force = runner forced to advance by means of batter becoming a runner. while it is true that the batter became a runner, the other runners were "forced" to advance because of an award.
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