With PHP experience, I can tell you that this would be very difficult to implement. The problem is that I can change who the quote came from very easily, making the system beatable.
It would be programmable, but very difficult.
Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle
I have noticed, with some dismay, that even if you add a poster to your ignore list, you can still see that person's inanity quoted by others. In other words, if I have ignored poster A, but poster B quotes A, I still see A's quote. It would be great if there were an option to also ignore quotes of ignored posters. Then when poster B quotes poster A, what you'd get is a quote block that looks very similar to posts from ignored posters, with an option to view the quote if you want to.
If that's an option on the forum software currently, can we make it available? If not, can we make a feature request to the developers of the forum software? I'd even be willing to make the request, if I knew who the developer was. I've looked around the site, but don't see any kind of link to them.