Originally Posted by MCBear
This is the problem when they hire former players to do broadcasting. They have been out of the game and have not kept up with the changes that have taken place within the game...
...'Nuf said...it is time for me to get off the soapbox and allow another fine citizen the opportunity to participate in an eloquent rant.
I don't know that I qualify as a "fine citizen", but welcome to the world of televised sports.
It's not that these former players have not kept up with changes to the
game, they have not kept up with changes to the
rules of the game. Of course that's making a big assumption that they were more than just vaguley familiar with the rules in the first place.
VB is not a mainstream sport that has a lot of television exposure. Check out the football, baseball, and basketball boards while their seasons are in full swing. I can almost guarantee that you will find at least one post a week commenting about how a talking head has no clue about the rules, yet is ripping into a game official for a perfectly correct call.
I also love the comment about consistency...What's one of the top things we all hear....."Hey, be consistent with those calls!"
In the Olympics, you have a talking head saying that the entire staff was consistent.....and still ripping them!