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Old Mon Aug 25, 2008, 07:49am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by David B
Exactly what you're taught, when in a rundown you want to try and run into or make contact with the fielder who has just thrown the ball and is in your way.

Good job of baseball by the runner. Umpire had to make the call based on obstruction. The replay I saw on ESPN didn't show everything, but the fielder was in his way so obstruction.

The manager said he did it intentionally, "DUH" that's what he's supposed to do.

Yes -- good job to try to get the obstruction call. Still, a bad call based on the replays I saw. It appears to me that Pierzinski (sp?) fell down because there wasn't any contact -- much like falling when someone pulls the chair out from under you.

I can see how U2 might miss it (being "actively" involved in the run-down), but I would think U3 would have a good view of the play / actions of Pierzinski and the Rays' fielder and given some input (and maybe he did, but the input wasn't accepted).
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