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Old Mon Aug 25, 2008, 06:25am
UMP25 UMP25 is offline
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Originally Posted by umpduck11
A.J. gave an Academy Award-worthy acting job. I was surprised when the obstruction was called.
As was I. I was at the game, seated in section 340, which was directly above and in line w/ the rundown. As soon as I saw AJ stick his left arm out to contact the fielder, I turned to my dad and said, "AJ's trying to get an obstruction call!" Sure enough, Eddings calls it. What made me think Eddings blew the call was that he never called "time" and made the award. He kind of looked unsure of himself, or maybe even like he got deked by AJ, which, of course, would NEVER happen, right? Considering it's "Type A" obstruction, the ball should have been killed right away and the award made. Instead, Eddings only pointed to AJ when it occurred.

The controversy is all the rage around town now, and yesterday evening, I was on WSCR-AM The Score explaining obstruction and the context of the play.
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