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Old Sat Aug 23, 2008, 05:30pm
golfdesigner golfdesigner is offline
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Question Saw This On Scrimmage Kick

Saw this the other night on a scrimmage kick. NFHS rules;
scrimmage kick very high, hits the ground at R's 25 untouched by either K or R, bounces pretty high; after ball hits the ground; R25 made no attempt to get in position to catch kick on the fly and let it bounce; R25 is now steps into position at R's 20 to field the bounce; before R25 can recover the bounce K56 blocks R25 knocking R25 on his back; K34 then recovers kick at R's 20 before it hits the ground a second time. Ball was put in play 1/10 for R at R's 20.
There was no fair catch signal either legal or illegal to complicate the matter.
I'd like to see if you have anything?
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