Thread: Legal pick?
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Old Thu Aug 21, 2008, 09:46am
JRutledge JRutledge is online now
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Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Huh? So, again, what does it matter what a coach will do or not do in whether or not to call the foul? If my partner calls an intentional on that play, I might not necessarily agree with it, but I can see the logic behind it due to the screener possibly "stepping into" the screen and putting the other player down. However, I'm going to tell him/her I didn't think it was intentional because it wasn't neutralizing an obviously advantageous position, it wasn't meant to stop the clock, and it wasn't excessive contact on the ballhandler. I am not going to tell my partner it was a bad call because now the coach is going to be on our butt the rest of the game. Do you see the difference in the reasoning?

This is where communication is a great tool, both in dealing with coaches and players, and dealing with some of us. I don't believe we disagree with whether the play should be called a foul, we are disagreeing in why it should be called. So far, most of your communication on this play has been about "game management" and a "hard screen during a tie ballgame in the second half". If you mean to say "illegal screen", then why don't you just communicate that, instead of saying "hard screen"? If I'm the opposing coach, and you come over and tell me the reason you called the foul was because it was a hard screen and the player's injured, I might just go (legitimately) ballistic on you because there is nothing in the rules that says a hard screen is illegal. So even though you made the proper call, you will still have to use your game management skills to either penalize my team or send me home early.
Remember he has passed 5th Grade English and he does not know how to tell a coach, "I had an illegal screen." Or if he did not call anything, "The screen was legal in my judgment coach." Something tells me that is what the official told the coach.

I had a similar play take place in a game of mine and I had the coach yelling at his players about how it was there fault that this player got hurt. And he was mad because his team was not communicating to each other and calling out screens. He never said a word to us about what he missed or did not call. Funny, the game went on without any problems. I wonder how that happened.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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