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Old Thu Aug 21, 2008, 02:39am
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by canadaump6
I did an adult game tonight. The same batter went 0 for 3, with three called strikeouts. Every time he said something objectionable, getting worse on every strikeout. Finally I just said "goodbye" and tossed him, not knowing that the game was over. Oh well, hopefully he gets a game suspension. Baseball doesn't need players who refuse to swing the bat and then yell at the umpire when they have a sh1t game at the plate.
How do you not know that the game is over? Aren't you paying attention to what inning you're in? Man, I never wanted to be surprised that the game is over. If you would have known the game was over, you could have rung him up, walked away, headed for the gate, and left him at the plate cursing to nobody in particular. You can't toss him after the game's over in OBR anyway. I don't think you're gonna get a suspension for this dude, since your ejection was "unofficial."

Originally Posted by canadaump6
As for keeping people in the game- good luck trying to do that while keeping the game under control. I had 3 people arguing with me at once over an interference call, personal comments all over the place and of course acting out the play the way they thought it went. Sometimes you've just got to mouth off right back to them, because ejecting people will only give you a bad reputation.
Screw keeping them in the game. They need to keep themselves in the game. So what you get a reputation? You will get a reputation that you don't take any crap, as long as you eject with authority, and don't act like a squirt about it, throwing a similar tantrum. Let them throw the tantrum, and if they do something that crosses the line, calmly and forcefully eject their sorry a$$ from the game! Hey, if you get known as a no-nonsense umpire, who doesn't suffer fools, soon they will start keeping their mouths shut and just playing ball and living with your calls. It's weakness that they don't respect. They don't respect umpires who continue to tolerate the things you are describing.

You had 3 people arguing with you at once? Where was your partner during all of this? Why wouldn't your partner be down there getting the extra participants off your a$$? I wouldn't work with a partner who would let 3 rats argue with me and was just standing around looking at his shoes.

Personal comments? Gone. Acting out the play? Good Lord, GONE. How could you allow that to continue? Eject their asses down to 8 players and go home. They will get the hint not to f*ck with you if you show them who's running the show. I'll be damned if I let some weekend warrior wannabe ex-nobodies/has-beens/never-weres run me! You have to establish the arbiter-player hierarchy or they will eat you alive.

Here are a few things that would draw an automatic ejection from me:

    Leaving the bench or position to argue balls and strikes
    Drawing a line in the dirt to show me where the pitch was
    Reenacting a play demonstrably
    Getting personal or using foul language directed at me
    Continuing to argue after being told "that's enough"
    Bumping me intentionally
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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