Wed Aug 20, 2008, 05:44pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Right and the man has received his punishment. The only other entity to endow punishment would be a supreme being, correct?
Who said anything about punishing him? Not giving him an award is not a punishment. The outrage is that they rewarded him.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
And "turn the cheek" is tolerance. It is also an acknowledgment that a person can make a mistake and should be forgiven..
I do not tolerate what this guy did, nor should I. He did not sin against me, so I cannot offer him forgiveness. He sinned against his victims and against God. I have no idea if he is sorry he did it or just sorry he got caught, by the way.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
But y'all are still missing my point which is we really have no authority, religious or otherwise, to make judgments upon others. It is THEIR umpire group, THEIR award and THEY need to live with whatever they do. Too many people in this country think they have the moral authority to judge whomever they please and if you don't agree, you're an idiot. I do not agree with that philosophy.
We have a responsibilivy to judge in some instances. They did something in public and a lot of the public judged it to be wrong. Part of them living with what they did is that people have reacted to their decision
Last edited by jwwashburn; Thu Aug 21, 2008 at 10:03am.