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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 20, 2008, 04:21pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by johnnyg08
When you say that you directly service who pays you...are you referring to trying to keep guys in the game...not asking them to hustle, etc...

I guess I'm just asking for some clarification. I work quite a bit of adult league I'm curious as to some other game management strategies that might be out there.
Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. When I used to toss quickly, have that "attitude", and try to get them hustling, it was met with a lot of animosity. Once I accepted that they will get along at their pace, and that most games will go to the time limit, things improved!

You just have to relax a bit more on adult league games. Have fun with them. But, you still have to focus and be consistent. I think a lot of guys can't stay focused with all the distractions, which is why I say that not everybody is cut out to do adult leagues. You have to have your stuff down PAT and no how to turn it on and off quickly. Some guys just can't deal with that, and they usually have problems doing adult leagues. It is the same in every sport.
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