Originally Posted by bisonlj
The A-11 has all players off the line (except the center) and then just before the snap, 6 players step up, get in position for 1 second, and then snap the ball. Since those 6 players are going to be different each time and in different locations, it will be almost impossible for the defenders (and most importantly for us...officials) to determine who is eligible. If I'm the umpire and I can't easily tell right away who my G-C-G are because the two guys lined up right next to the center stay in the backfield, then I'm going to be lost on my keys as well.
And yet, that determination was routine before eligible receiver numbering rules came into effect ca. 1960. And during much of that time, determination of position (line vs. backfield vs. just plain illegal) was also arguably more difficult and complicated than since the current rules came into effect (I'm not sure when that was, but around the same time IIRC). And that was with fewer officials on the field, on average. So obviously it was not "almost impossible".