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Old Sun Aug 17, 2008, 10:36am
zebraman zebraman is offline
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Originally Posted by swvaref
Hey guys. I went to our 1st meeting of the year and one thing we discussed was about the gas situation. Several years ago we started using Arbiter, as of now the crew for each game can only see their partners. So the question was asked if the V crew could some how contact the JV crew( or vice versa) so there could be some carpooling to their games.I found out tonight the only way that could be done was to open up the schedule of every game to all officials, in which we have not done for 3 years now.So my question to this forum is what or how does your association do to help situations like this,Our board does not really want to open the schedule to all officials. Thanks
You are correct that right now, Arbiter only allows you two options as far as seeing other officials. 1) Only see your partners. 2) Allow officials to see the master schedule with slots which means everyone can see all assignments.

I think your only hope would be to contact Arbiter and ask for an "enhancement" that allows officials to see their partners and any other officials at their site for a particular day. I think that would be a rather complex enhancement so don't hold your breath. (Our groups have been unsuccessful at getting Arbiter support to make even the slightest enhancement requests).

Both of our associations were concerned that opening up Arbiter for all to see would create the "Joe got a better schedule than I did" problem. One of our associations finally opened it up and it has not been a problem.

Even with that Arbiter feature open, JV and V officials do not ride together. Many of our varsity officials go early to observe the JV game. However, asking them to get there even earlier (so the JV officials could pregame etc.) would be too much.
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