Originally Posted by Wisscott
Personally, I currently hold a Master level in 5 different sports, football, volleyball, basketball, softball and baseball. Don't have a favorite, I like them all.
I live in WI and am amazed at how low the bar is to be a "Master" official here. My biggest gripe was as a transfer into the state I had to start at a low level and work up, even with (demonstrable) 15 or more years experience in 3 sports. Sounded to me like a way to put new residence in their place while giving long-term smitties a hand up. Found out the level didn't matter as I worked full varsity schedules as an L1, although I couldn't work any basketball playoffs until my third year here. But after a few years, I was able to climb to Master in all 3 I work. Now it's a case of getting the tests in on time and making it to the rules meetings (that I hope will all be online soon).
I wouldn't work softball at gunpoint, and volleyball would interfere with football season, although the idea of standing on a podium watching volleyball for money sounds strangely appealing.