Thanks for sharing all of your thoughts.
I understand where you're coming from (anticipating the play so you're already in position before it enters your PCA, don't rotate out of a good angle, etc, etc).
I too move to improve, most of the time I used to curl up to mini-T, once & while down when play dictates. But after attending this camp & having an NBA guy stress - stepping down at C, the ball is below the FT line extended then you're a step below FT extended, 2 & 2 - I had no choice but to adhere to it... that's what the camp wanted.
I'm sure you all would've become compliant instead of defiant too.
But I've been trying it & you may have to bust it back to L if the L rotates, other than that it puts you in a great position for rebounding & backside plays if the ball is swung opposite.
Last edited by Ch1town; Thu Aug 14, 2008 at 05:46pm.