Originally Posted by JRutledge
And that means what? If anything the fact that you are attributing this to a sales website, should illustrate how blow out of proportion this information is. I seriously doubt that many schools across the country are using this offense. With all the states that have outlawed the offense should be enough evidence of that alone.
It means you either misread the post or deliberately tried to portray TxMike as a proponent of the system. It means you attributed clearly quoted information to the person quoting it. It means you used the wrong pronoun. It means you should have used "their" instead of "your".
And in this post, again the lack of comprehension is exhibited. I did not attribute the quote to the sales website, TxMike did. I merely pointed out he had done so.
I agree with you about the ludicrousness of their numbers. My association will be working close to fourty schools this fall, and none of them have used this in any of their scrimages. I talked to the Assistant Executive Director in charge of football for the State Association and he was not aware of anyone (out of approximately 350 teams) in the entire state who was using it.