Ball Intentioanlly Thrown at Me
Men's conventional FP. I am BU. One team is whining a lot and feels the calls are not going their way, even though they are leading 4-0. I am BU. The opposing team hits a 3-run HR to close to 4-3. The ball is thrown in to the RF and I am facing home plate, 1/3 of the way from 1B to 2B. The RF fires the ball in. The 2B and SS yell "heads up", I grab my head, and the ball hits me between the shoulder blades on the fly. The 2B apologizes. After the game my partner tells me he thought it was intentional - that the RF looked in, noticed that I wasn't looking, and fired the ball. I asked him why the player wasn't immediately ejected. He didn't have a good answer. We discussed it with the umps working the other diamond and we concluded that the best action is to "never take your eyes off them". It is too late to take action on this play?