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Old Mon Aug 11, 2008, 12:48am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef
"You can't play while wearing earrings". "You'll have to take your earrings out if you want to play". There is absolutely no difference in those two statements. You haven't told him/her that have to take their earrings out. You've simply said no earrings, no PT. Nothing wrong with either statement.
NFHS 3-5-7: Jewelry shall not be worn.

1) The rule doesn't say anything about players removing jewelry, it just says that they can't play with jewelry. Why make the rule, especially one involving safety, more complicated than it really is?

2) If I tell them they have to take earrings off to play, and they're new to this procedure, and somehow hurt themselves, they can't say to their coach, or parent, "He (pointing to me) told me to take them out".

3) Most importantly. This is what we've been taught in my part of the woods, my evaluators know this, and when in Rome, or in my case, my part of the Constitution State ...
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