Originally Posted by TXMike
If it says, as was posted, "The receiver of the snap has to be 7 yards" then how can you say the upback who is the "receiver of the snap" and was only 4 yards from the LOS fits in the interp as posted? If it is, as appears to be, sloppy writing by someone in Illinois, then so be it, but if I were an Illinois official, until I heard otherwise, I would interpret it as written.
Now you said you were not familiar with NF Rules and being from Texas I would not expect you to be. The point is that if we use what you say the ruling is saying, then you cannot ever have another player receive the snap. That is not true under NF Rules when using the scrimmage kick formation (which is required to have the A-11 offense). I personally think that people are making a bigger deal over a minor comment rather than looking at what the point is of the interpretation. And I am an Illinois official, and I never even thought that there had to be someone 7 yards to actually receive the snap or else. But someone has to be in position to receive the snap to have a scrimmage kick formation (by rule), or you cannot have a legal scrimmage kick formation and have players not numbered 50-79 numbered players in the formation. It really is that simple.