You seem to think all CA teams count. Many are watered down or like east coast teams, Gold in title only... or simply 2nd teamers of a big org who get the left overs (example angels tyson (main team) / angels adishian (left over squad)
The only 6 CA teams that count are:
Corona Angels - Marty Tyson
Sting -Bob Perales
OC BatBusters
Sorcerers - Phil Mummia
Worth Fire Crackers..
Sol Cal Explosion
The rest are are not top level.
Of those
Corona - still there
Sting - Sent by CA team
OC BB- Sent by CA team
Sorcerers Phil - Sent by AZ Team
Worth Firecrackers - Sent by CA team
So Cal explosion - still there.
Those are the facts.
I dont care if some Georgia team squeaked by some 2nd teir CA team.
Last edited by wadeintothem; Thu Aug 07, 2008 at 08:58pm.