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Old Thu Aug 07, 2008, 02:47pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by mu4scott
My status as on official has nothing to w/ debating this play.
I cannot speak for everyone else, but it does for me. When you keep debating points like "I broke down the tape" and you are not even seeing that someone with experience might have seen similar plays and come to a different take than you have, then your status as an official means something to me. Because if you are just a JV official trying to debate this with official that have worked levels you have not achieved, what you have worked does matter to me. It tells me what you know and what you might not know at all.

Originally Posted by mu4scott
Players landing on top of each other should be a factor on if I have a foul? or the severity of a foul? I've never heard of that reasoning.
I never said it was a reasoning for a foul or not a reasoning for a foul (which goes back to my point above BTW). I said those were indications to me that there was little or no contact. And if there was little or no contact, the fact the player fell hard would not make me call a foul automatically.

Originally Posted by mu4scott
I'm also of the belief that if the defender flops and causes any contact at all then I'm going to bang him for a foul on a play like this.
A flop is to exaggerate the contact and convince the official of something illegal. It does not mean they were the cause for the contact. I guess that illustrates the reason why people here are giving you crap for your rules knowledge on this in my opinion. Notice I have not once brought up what the rule is or should be. I am only talking about the judgment of the play.

Originally Posted by mu4scott
On the video I see contact and that's why he fell on his front side. I also clearly noted the defenders position and how he moved into the path of the shooter. I guess you choose not to see that part so clearly, but other parts you see just fine.
That is why we get paid the big bucks right? And there is a reason why some people make it to the Final Four and others do not. If you are right and the people you work for feel you are right (or wrong) that is all that matters. It does not matter what we say on an officiating board and what you think you saw. Unlike you though, I trust the official in the video much better than what I "think" I see and I also trust my own experiences, because I have seen similar plays in my career and seeing a player fall hard to the ground.

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