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Old Wed Aug 06, 2008, 11:42pm
snorman75 snorman75 is offline
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Originally Posted by mick
Are you saying there is a rule in place where a fielder can throw at, and hit, the runner's head and the runner is out ? ...Ouch! !
Yes, and I have told a coach to their face, that yes they had removed intent on the interference play, and no I did not see the ball hit the base runner, in the back of the head.

Has anyone EVER enforced interference on a thrown ball lets say for a tag play were the ball hit the runner in the back? all other things being kosher.

Originally Posted by mick
With a play in front of the plate, if the catcher fields the ball and throws to first base, the runner will be deemed to be interfering if the runner is not in the lane, because the runner may be impeding the throw..
Originally Posted by mick
With a play in front of the second baseman, the runner inside the lane will not be impeding a throw from the second baseman [the path of the thrown ball would exclude the path of the batter/runner].
But do they interfere with the first baseman receiving the ball?

Ball thrown to first lets have fun and say center field pulling first baseman off bag toward home. BR in fair ground hits the first baseman's glove before the catch. You have interference, BR's contact, and you have BR out of the running lane. OUT.
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