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Old Wed Aug 06, 2008, 08:46pm
snorman75 snorman75 is offline
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Originally Posted by mick
Since I am not a real softball umpire, I am trying to understand the context of your quotes.

Intentionally interfering, or incidentally interfering, surely applies to all bases.
First, intention on interference was taken out, but few umps ever changed how they call it. I have been told. That with the change in the rule, a runner sliding into third and a thrown ball hits them in the back of the head when they start their slide, they are out. It does not matter anymore that there was no intent to interfere. I have never called it like that. I will not speak for anyone else, but I think few will call interference like that without intent.
Originally Posted by mick
Is there a specific case where running inside the lane to first base is interference when the ball is thrown on a path that excludes the BR?

OK, lets look at this.
1. BR inside running lane
2. I do not get what you mean by "excludes the BR"

I will tell you that while in the running lane there is not much, if anything, that will get the BR called out for interference on a thrown ball.

Also with the double first base I know I have found there is little problem with the running lane. If they are inside the lane they are more likely to run to the white section and it is a easy appeal play.

Last edited by snorman75; Wed Aug 06, 2008 at 08:49pm.
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