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Old Wed Aug 06, 2008, 08:41pm
mick mick is offline
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Originally Posted by snorman75
OK, trust me the only way they know if they read this.

I do not think I have really ever called it on a flinch. Like I said earlier there is contact 99.9% of the time. I am still waiting for that 0.1%.

Like I said earlier I personally got called for it as a runner in baseball without any contact. I would try to make the first baseman flinch, and the umps, we had the same crew all summer at home, knew it too and called me a few times on it. I think it never really worked, and I was out anyway the 3-4 times they called it, they just wanted to send a message for me to cool it.
I understand. Having played first base for 20 some years, there were prolly 3 guys that I remember trying that. Twice it was my ankle which was away from the bag cuz I always held the edge. Umps never said anything, but I did.
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