Originally Posted by mick
Don't know the flutterby saying, but if F3 knows you are calling BR out if F3 flinches, you'll see many an unwarranted flinch. 
OK, trust me the only way they know if they read this.
I do not think I have really ever called it on a flinch. Like I said earlier there is contact 99.9% of the time. I am still waiting for that 0.1%.
Like I said earlier I personally got called for it as a runner in baseball without any contact. I would try to make the first baseman flinch, and the umps, we had the same crew all summer at home, knew it too and called me a few times on it. I think it never really worked, and I was out anyway the 3-4 times they called it, they just wanted to send a message for me to cool it.