Originally Posted by snorman75
So, I am to assume you expect every ump to know by verse every rule? Have I read 8.2.E sure once a year.When I read over all the rules in March. Do I study it and commit it to memory, no. I only have so much space in my head. I know what I am going to call, there needs to be some form of interference.
I was surprise the rules did not have it black and white. I was not surprise about the snide comment.
Not knowing that a BR is not required to actually run in the running lane seems pretty basic to me. It is not a violation for the BR to be out of the running lane. It is only a violation if, by being out of the running lane, the BR interferes with the fielder taking the throw at 1B. It seems unlikely that the BR interfered with the catch if the BR arrived before the ball.
The OP said the ruling was:
He said that no matter if the runner impeded the throw or not, she is out because she in fair territory and not in the running lane.
You said you believed that to be correct.
Not even close. It is not a matter of memorizing the rule word for word, but knowing a pretty basic rule about a situation that you can expect to occur.