First, you're probably thinking too much. They'll tell you what they want you to do. They'll tell you where your opportunities and strengths lie. Just be a sponge.
Second, rotations and transistions. From time to time, someone will miss a transistion. I miss them and I've worked three man since 1989. Don't sweat it.
If you're L and you rotate just as the ball turns over, just look to see where you partners go and fill the gap.
If you're L and you rotate and the new T misses the rotation, you'll have two C's and one T at the other end. You're now T, go to the C on your side and push him to L.
If you transistion and end up with two L's, you'll just have to yell until you get the guy's attention who should be a C.
It's just part of the game.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott
"You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith