Originally Posted by TussAgee11
And, if I could add on: Rei, I believe it was you that hinted at this as well.
As you move up, and as players see more of you and know you are professional, courteous, and do your job well, the BS stops. So, it only makes sense that your EJs go down when you get to that good baseball.
They know what to say and not to say at that level. Not really the case in anything below JV level (or its summer ball equivalent).
This summer, I did a lot of games and tournaments that had traveling teams involved. I watched some partners get eaten pretty handedly (these are guys who the local guys generally complain about...so go figure...). It didn't seem to matter that I have never seen them, and they had never seen me. People actually pay a little bit of attention to how the umpires conduct themselves on the field, and little things pay off. I think I am more apt to have problems with people I am familiar with than those who have never seen me before. You give that good first impression, you get three "free innings". After that, you just need to be good.