Originally Posted by rwest
R1 rounds third and is heading for home. Catcher, without the ball, is up the third base line blocking the runners path to home. There is no doubt about obstruction. The runner, instead of going around the catcher, runs her over.
What do you have for ASA?
Given the fact that it's clearly obstruction, runner would be safe at home (assuming she actually touches the plate). The only thing that would supersede OBS is if she commits INT, which she did not. Run counts.
Then after the play is over, I would consider tossing R1 for unsportsmanlike conduct. Have to see it, but if she lowers her shoulder or makes an obvious attempt to cream F2, then she's gone (once the play is finished).
Separate question for the group: could F2 also be guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct and tossed as well?