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Old Mon Aug 04, 2008, 04:05pm
Y2Koach Y2Koach is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 117
Originally Posted by Ch1town

coach: You didn't see that travel?
official: Yes but it's only summer ball.
I actually had this exact conversation with an official, at a High School Varsity level summer jamboree. It actually went like this:

Y2Koach: Isn't that a travel
Official: haha, yes it is
Y2Koach: He did it again, haha
Official: I saw that
Y2Koach: Call it then, he's getting past our guy every time!
Official: I know, but it's just summer ball. If I called every travel, he'd have like 10 and this game would take forever
Y2Koach: Do you have somewhere to go???
Official: That's enough, coach
Y2Koach: So what happens when that kid goes into next season and gets called for a travel every time he gets the ball?? How does he get better??
Official: That's not my job, coach.
Y2Koach: Then what IS your job?
Official: *TWEET*, technical foul...
Opposing coach: What did you do?
Y2Koach: He said he saw #21 travel several times, but didn't call it cuz he has somewhere to go...
Opposing coach to #21: See! i TOLD YOU THAT MOVES A TRAVEL!!
#21: No it's not, they didn't call it
Opposing coach: Wait, isn't it running time?
Y2Koach: He said it, not me...
Opposing coach to Y2Koach: We've been trying to get #21 to break that habit of dragging his back foot on that move...
Official: That's enough coach
Opposing coach to Y2Koach: I'm not even talking to him!
Official: *TWEET* technical foul...

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